Whether your car repair is an insurance claim or you just want a bump or scratch repaired to make your pride and joy look spotless again, WE CAN FIX ANY VEHICLE, not just Chevrolet.
Body repairs range from repairing a bumper to major realignment of the vehicle. The most common repairs we deal with are to the front and rear of the car and side impacts. We can also carry out glass repairs, mechanical repairs and electrical repairs.
We also offer a refinishing service. We can paint your vehicle’s panels to make them look as good as new. If it’s just a scratch then we can repaint doors, wing mirrors, bonnets, roofs and tailgates all without replacing any panels which saves you money. Our technicians have the knowledge to match and mix their own paint materials including off shade colours and pearl finishes to make sure that the colour of the paint is perfect for your vehicle.
Advance Automotive LTD.
113 Owen Roberts DR, George Town
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands,